miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

No sé

Esto lo escribí cuando tenía alrededor de 16 años.

No sé

En una lágrima mía
Tu rostro se ha de mirar,
No sé quererte de lejos
Ni amarte tan suspicaz.
No sé besarte en el aire
No sé tomarte del mar.
No sé mirarte en el cielo
Ni en una estrella fugaz.
No sé borrar la distancia
Que nos ha de separar.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009


Esto no lo escribi yo, pero es muy interesante y verdadero...ponganlo en practica! I did not come up with this one...but it is very interesting and TRUE!!! Just do it!

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude in life. Attitude, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than cirumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...a home...a friendship. The remarkable thing is you have a choice every day regarding the attitude you will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the inevitable...the only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our ATTITUDE.
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so this is with you...
You are in charge of your attitudes.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Poetiza o algo parecido…

Escritora eminente
de eso no se me acredita,
soy solo una mujercita
que improvisa demasiado.
Algo si tengo bien claro,
me encanta escribir versitos,
poemas, piropitos
y algun dicho de vez en cuando.
Inspirarme se me da
sobre todo en dias nublados
y si algun enamorado
se me cruza en el camino.
Mis mas humildes disculpas
si ofendo ha alguien en el intento
de expresar lo que yo pienso
con papel y lapiz en mano.


Cuando era guerrera
De pequeñas batallas,
Me sentia una fiera
De garras bien afiladas.
Cuando era guerrera
Y luchaba con ansias,
Combatia injusticias
Y nada me sosegaba
Cuando era guerrera
Y corria descalza,
Ni el mas grande diluvio
Aplacaba mis llamas.
Cuando era guerrera
Impetuosa y malvada,
Con sonrisa de angel
Me robaba miradas.
Cuando era guerrera
Y embarraba mi cara
Con pintura de grandes,
Y nada me acongojaba
Solia obtener todo
Lo que deseaba.
Cuando era guerrera
Hace mas de mil lunas
Nunca he dejado de serlo…
Guerrera hasta la sepultura.

Me in a nutshell. (maybe) Un poquito de mi….tal vez

Where to begin, once upon a time…specifically November 1, 1982.. Grisell came into this world…. I was born in Havana, Cuba. I grew up in a little town called Guanabacoa. My childhood was pretty normal, although in Cuba nothing is normal. Anyways, while growing up I met amazing friends, whom I will never ever forget. Friends that taught me the meaning of friendship, respect and made me laugh till my stomach hurt!!! FUN! My friends you will always have a special BIG place in my heart!!! And someday we will be all together again like good old times! I also have a wonderful family, whom has always been there for me! Luv you guys!!
I came to this amazing country when I was 17 years old. We crossed the border, yes me, my mom, my dad and my younger brother. It was an adventure that we will always remember for the rest of our lives. I’ve been through hell and back, I’ve been to paradise or something like it hahaa but never lost my sense of wonder…. and always kept my feet on the ground. I have had my heart broken and I think I had broken a few hearts as well (sorry)…..who knows! Nonetheless, I have mended a few broken hearts...…Karma Karma Good Karma!! I have written gazillion poems just about anything and everything. When I feel the urge to write…..It does not matter where I’m at…..I just have to write it down, like if someone was whispering it all in my ears!! Weirddd-0- Since my early years I’ve loved to write!!! You can express so much with just a piece of paper and a pen/pencil!! It will stay there forever! I wrote my first short tale when I was 6 years old and my grandma Virginia (RIP abuela) read it and she was so impressed! She loved it...hey que mas podria decirle una abuela a su nieta!! Ay mi abuelita linda! Nunca olvidare los buenos consejos que siempre me distes.
Que mas… I used to play the piano… I haven’t played it in a while though…I will play it again on a very special occasion someday....who knows! I don’t have a particular religion…while growing up I was exposed to so many….so you can say I’ve seem most of them, so I know what most of them are all about…I still want to have the opportunity to actually experience and learn about other religions in the future….someday I would like to walk into a synagogue or even a mesquite (however you write it) someday someday…
I never go to bed before 10 PM…. I eat a lot!!! I believe in love at first sight…hey why not??? I totally think it takes guts to steal a kiss, I am glad I did it….It only took me 26 years and two glasses of wine (it sure helps)…… Anyways, to the victim; THANKS!! I won’t say I’m sorry because I’m NOT!! Hahah I’m glad it was you! No hubiera querido que fuera nadie mas que tu! ;) y gracias por regalarme tantos crazy/cool/fun/dangerous/special/unforgetable moments!! U ROCK!
I also believe that anything is possible in this world!! The universe works in mysterious ways and I luv it!! I don’t know howwww, but I’ve been in the most crowDESTTT places, yet the performer has been able to point me out!!!! Que showwww!! Crazy stuff huh! =D incredible!!(yes I am being a show off now lol) ~ Always expect the unexpected…I learned that the hard way. But it is all good…A ver what else…Let me see…..I’m good at remembering dates and events…but I’m not good with peoples’ faces or names!! I totally love rollercoasters and all kind of dangerous/exciting/fun rides! Someday I would love to go to Venice and then the Greek Islands. New York is my favorite city! I totally love the ocean, ahhh so relaxingggggg!! Nunca he visto la nieve, espero conocerla algun dia!! Can't wait to actually feel and smell the snow!! I considered myself a mysterious gal or so I’ve been told, el misterio me fascina!! I have never slow dance but I would love to!! I lovvee to dance and I love all kind of music, specially the 80s!! I can tell when somebody is lying, and I can read people since I was a little girl y tengo pruebas! Yo lo se todo como la pitoniza lol, aunque a veces me haga la que no se nada!! Por las buenas te doy la vida, ahora por las malas nananina =P...I believe in Karma like you have no idea!! Ahhh si me gusta sonreir y reirme hasta decir no mas!!! Smile and you might change someone’s day! Ummm….. when I get mad, tremendo lio! 0=)
I am an accountant and I work with wonderful people in a crazy/hectic/fun place lol where I had met wonderful persons and made great great great friends!! Who had my back and held my hand when I’ve needed it the most! Thank you, u know who you are! U guys have a big house in my heart!! =D Right now I am back in school, getting my masters in Executive management, can’t wait to finish it!! I am also working in getting my CPA license, vamos a ver. Someday I will be Guanabacoa’s alcaldesa hahaha heyyy when things change in my country lol vamos acuerdense que ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Y me llevo a mi crew de Miami lol
My best advice, be happy, do what you love, and the universe will place you right where you belong!!
Y que siga la historia…....